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rain_and_cloud @rain_and_cloud
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rain_and_cloud @rain_and_cloud
I love Asian culture too, and I'd love to hear about your cat (kitties are adorable). Feel free to message me sometime. :)

ReizoKazunari @adamstone
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ReizoKazunari @adamstone
Im pretty chill and wow pretty jelly that's cool that you went there i planned to go one day when i get around to learning more Japanese.

ReizoKazunari @adamstone
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ReizoKazunari @adamstone
Sup! How's it going? I also wanna go to the big nippon one day but money money, alas.
Matsuricon 2015

lindsayforever @lindsayforever
Matsuricon 2015
lindsayforever @lindsayforever
I'm going to be attending Matsuricon in Columbus, Ohio this August! Is anyone else going to be there?!