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pussinboots @pussinboots
left a comment for
あきの (Akino)
pussinboots @pussinboots
gud taste

Ghost @kuharido
left a comment for
あきの (Akino)
Ghost @kuharido
Welcome to the site. Hey you live in a Springfield. I do also, how cool.
FOR GIRLS ONLY!!! Ok... um what is your thoughts on Yaoi

あきの (Akino) @akino
commented on
FOR GIRLS ONLY!!! Ok... um what is your thoughts on Yaoi
あきの (Akino) @akino
Personally, I'm not into yaoi. I love yuri because it's quite rare, in my opinion. Plus I'm more attracted to females anyway. I have my reasons why I dislike yaoi. Well, it's more like one, rather than multiple.
All in all, it's your prerogative and you shouldn't feel ashamed by your interest. Always remember that you're not the first to like yaoi and you certainly won't be the last.