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linde @linde
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linde @linde
hello ^^ , jup :D

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
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Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
I was born from nothingness and came together as several dark matter fused and merged into one. Yearly I have to revive my dark flame powers from the dark flame dragon or I will expire.

pikachusamurai1 @pikachusamurai1
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pikachusamurai1 @pikachusamurai1
oh.It is kinda frustrating for me because of how much they cost.
Anime Characters That Inspired You

thekillakid @thekillakid
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
thekillakid @thekillakid
I literally have watched some many animes with so many people that have inspired me that i can't list it. Like my watchlist isn't even half of the animes i've watched. I just got lazy xD
Hey guys!

thekillakid @thekillakid
Hey guys!
thekillakid @thekillakid
Hi everyone! I completly forgot this site had a forum haha. If you are chill, Let's be friends! (^.^)