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ZackV4 @w0w_l0l
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ZackV4 @w0w_l0l
Welcome back

The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
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The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
oh dont be sorry. i know the feel of not having time to do stuff or not being able to respond to everyone. its no big deal

The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
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The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
doing alright. was just goint through my friends list and saw we never talk to each other for some reason.
New to Maiotaku o/

Nakamuraaa @invalidmaichan
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New to Maiotaku o/
Nakamuraaa @invalidmaichan
Hi and welcome to MO! :) Hope you enjoy making friends here ^^
IRL pictures

Nakamuraaa @invalidmaichan
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IRL pictures
Nakamuraaa @invalidmaichan

Sometimes I wonder if people ever heard I was shouting from here hahaha