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sirime @sirime
left a comment for
Toltecatl (Mike)
sirime @sirime
no actually didnt see it yet

Aka-san @redhawk
left a comment for
Toltecatl (Mike)
Aka-san @redhawk
sounds like my everyday Monday lol

Aka-san @redhawk
left a comment for
Toltecatl (Mike)
Aka-san @redhawk
so whats been going on
Otakon 2014

Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
commented on
Otakon 2014
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
I'm just curious if anyone remembers seeing me at Otakon this year. I was Wind Waker Link in his starting outfit(before you get the familiar green tunic). Here's a pic:
<a href="">Did you see me?</a>
How to get senpai to notice you (In 5 easy steps))

Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
How to get senpai to notice you (In 5 easy steps))
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
<p>I thought this was funny enough to come out of hiding and post. *goes back to hiding*</p><br><img src=""></img><br><br><br><a href="">Source</a><p>Great time wasting site, btw.</p>
Jul 30-Aug 1
Jul 29-31
Aug 9-11
Aug 8-10