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Kilik @kilik
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Kilik @kilik
I'll have to be the one to say that there is no such thing as love. That is 'probably' the reason why you feel you've been hurt so many times. You may be taken now, but it's just a matter of time before reality hits once again. Nothing but betryal and uncertainty for us humans.
Unlike most people, I'm not going to tell you I know how you feel.

grodfilm @grodfilm
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grodfilm @grodfilm
Read your info, and I know how you feel. People have to soon realize that love is part of the equivalent exchange (yes i quoted from Full metal). You cant gain more than what you give. Love to me is like trying to find the right key to open the lock. Some keys fit, and some don't. But only one opens the lock.

OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
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OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
Hi, you seem like an awesome person that I can relate to, not to mention liking a lot of the same anime. I sent you a friend request on here, and if you want, you can friend me on facebook. facebook[dot]com{slash}OtakuN3rd