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konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
Hey! I'm pretty much interested in all the same things. Except I'm not a film major. I'm going for graphic design but there's always a chance I'll change it. (Don't really know if that's my calling y'know) Anyhoo. You should log back on so we can talk and be friends.
anarqe @anarqe
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anarqe @anarqe
I have not been to a House show since I was 8 dude, so you got to hit me up with some of these show places? I'm in kansas and we got a pretty good electronic scene, friday shows, and out off limits raves. The last places i really saw that had any house was back in 06 in New mexico, but that died out when all the local stores were bought out.
anarqe @anarqe
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anarqe @anarqe
So where are you from then, cause I don't know anywhere else that house is even listened to other then some euro clubs, and those country Pirate radios.