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Ghost @kuharido
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Ghost @kuharido
I haven't chatted to you in quite a while nor have you been on but I'd like to mention I bought the Jojo HD collection. It turned out to be a lot of fun. They put in some nice perks and added from references to future series. How has life been?

daworldo09 @daworldo09
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daworldo09 @daworldo09
speedwagon ftw

Ghost @kuharido
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Ghost @kuharido
Of course now that I think about it there would be no tomorrow if Dio had won. So i had to play that game like there was no tomorrow.
anime that don't end with a kiss щ(ಥДಥщ)

Speedwagon @speedwagon
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anime that don't end with a kiss щ(ಥДಥщ)
Speedwagon @speedwagon
That really brings up the fact that there's so many adaptions of on going manga these days you just know when the series starts it's not gonna reward you with a payoff. Honestly I barely watch shoujo anymore just because of that fact. Reading the source material is more rewarding to me.
Night Owls

Speedwagon @speedwagon
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Night Owls
Speedwagon @speedwagon
Man I wish I could sleep like a normal person. I seriously can't fall asleep till like at least 4 every night. I'll probably be a night owl till the end of time. Though I do find it easier to get work done at night though.