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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Whatever happened to your logs. Reading them was interesting.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk

Aka-san @redhawk Me watching Willie's Bizarre Adventure

powderparrot7 @powderparrot7
powderparrot7 @powderparrot7
Normally I don’t talk about my feelings because I feel like I shouldn’t and well on this cite no one really knows me except for snake and Charles so I’ll be using this account to talk about how I feel and shit if you wish to comment and also join be my guest . But yeah
Yare yare

powderparrot7 @powderparrot7
commented on
Yare yare
powderparrot7 @powderparrot7
Sup my peeps , sorry if I’m not online as much*screams*. But it’s finals week and like I have no magic *screams with muscles * but once it clears up I’d love to chat with all of you * screams*
Yare yare

powderparrot7 @powderparrot7
Yare yare
powderparrot7 @powderparrot7
GUESS WHOS BACK ! TIS I , parrot. Forgive me , my dearly beloveds for my 4 month hiatus . For you see I was valiantly fighting those of the female gender who Dare try to take the virginity of me fellow comrades . Also I HEARD SOMEONE WAS TALKING SHIT!?? IM LOOKING AT YOU CHARLES!!! I would like to announce that Charles DID NOT INVITE ME TO HIS BIRTHDAY PARTY !!!!! Or give me a slice of cake ......
Besides ladies ... I am available if y’all want to snuggle while we play Japanese chess and watch the THE MONSTROSITY IN LENGTH THAT IS ONE PIECE !! UwU