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Love Chronical @lovechronical
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Love Chronical @lovechronical

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
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Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
I'm still feeling a little tired. Got to start my day with a surprise trip (since i was told about it just the night before XD ) down to my grandma's house in order to pick up some furniture for my new bedroom. Once we got back we pulled the boat out and set all the furniture in storage, ran home, got together our paranormal gear and high tailed it to the site. Met up with a college film crew who were gonna tag along with us for yesterday's haunt. One of the girls with the recorder was definitly getting some action by one of the resident spirits, lol.

Shoddy @shoddy
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Shoddy @shoddy
Hey, Don't know if you're still even on this site, but you were in my matches so i fugured i'd at least say hello.