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HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
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HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
That is so awsome!!! so epic! please take pics:3

HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
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HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
no problem!! you like homestuck and hetalia so you are awsomeXDDD and you cosplay gaara!!!! *squees*

aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
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aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
hi agin i didnt get to go to that con and i dout ill ever be able to go to one aging *sad/pout face* and we can hang out outside of the con u know like a date or just hang out and play video games or watch anime
Mar 8-10
Mar 29-31
Panelist. Jun 21-23
Sep 27-29