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kodiotaku @kodiotaku
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kodiotaku @kodiotaku
I'm fine

driasummer @driasummer
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driasummer @driasummer

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Anime that nees more seasons.

natsux777 @natsux777
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Anime that nees more seasons.
natsux777 @natsux777
I'll start us off with one I just finished. There had better be a season 3 for Log Horizon eventually or I will be sincerely pissed off.
Anime that nees more seasons.

natsux777 @natsux777
Anime that nees more seasons.
natsux777 @natsux777
List any anime you all think deserves at least 1 more season than it has right now. I'd like to see everyone's thoughts