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hana_chann81 @hana_chann81
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hana_chann81 @hana_chann81
the same as yours.. I can feel summer :)

alicee @arkkosun
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alicee @arkkosun
Okay so here's a fanart I did sometime ago :)
sometimes I do fanarts, but mostly just original stuff! Lately I'm just planing to work on a little project with my friends ^^
I'm glad you're doing well! yeah it's sad to have to see people go, but I'm sure you'll meet again sometime.:)
Just chilling after work? That sounds like a perfect plan.XD
Do you like drawing as well? :)

hana_chann81 @hana_chann81
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hana_chann81 @hana_chann81
Hi、 nice to meet you. Im good ☆彡
What game are you currently playing?

Pisces @pisces
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What game are you currently playing?
Pisces @pisces
Overwatch! Persona 5 before that.. absolutely love both of those games. I just got into Master x Master (MXM) - a free MOBA released like a week ago. I recommend it - it plays way differently; a bit like Overwatch + Destiny + Contra? Worth trying at least!