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firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
What's with the heart on the bottom of my username? It says I have 67 hearts

firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
I'm extremely bored... don't know what to do with ma life right now
Is this even a dating site?

firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
Why would anyone's think this is a dating site? It's website is for anime geeks like me I'm not interested in dating someone, unless they are kind and protective, so yeah but I'm still not intrested in dating I won't mind being friends with at person and getting to know them but I wouldn't wanna start a relationship yet.

firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
commented on
firefox_mimi980 @firefox_mimi980
Hello everyone I'm just chilling watching home alone2 I know it's not xmas but I just love watching home alone.