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M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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M u g i ❤ @stellalina
I'm doing great! And you? Happy new year btw~ :3 Hope you achieve all your goals this year! 2017 Has a 7 at the end so I hope it's a good year lol..HOPING. ; 7 ;

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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M u g i ❤ @stellalina

SleepyhermiT @sleepyhermit
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SleepyhermiT @sleepyhermit
Ah got it, I'll add ya once I go on steam (though honestly I dunno when that is haha). In that case, I'll chat with ya from time to time probably on here to see what's up when time opens up, although I guess now would be a good time to start haha. Whatcha been up to for the past month or two? Any anime/manga recommendations? Anything unordinary to share?

Jiro @jiro
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Jiro @jiro
I confess that I have been away from this site for almost a year and my life is still like 90-95% the same. I don't know if I'm grateful or disappointed.
post sexy pics of yourself

Jiro @jiro
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post sexy pics of yourself
Jiro @jiro
Of course it was a mirror. I forgot I live in a world where I can't even trust chocolate to be chocolate. Fuck whoever made that thing. (-_-)