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leon @leon
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leon @leon
world of warcraft is very addicting i should know i have to many lvl 80's >.> and one 85

otoburikid @otoburikid
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otoburikid @otoburikid
yeah some people just arent original, but man one of the main types of animes I hate, is the ones where there is one guy who attracts EVERY girl in the series and he's torn between them, the on exception I made to that is to-love-ru because it's funny and one of my favorite mangaka kentaro yabuki does the art for it

otoburikid @otoburikid
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otoburikid @otoburikid
nice to meet you, couldnt help but notice your pic man, im a die hard fan of sonic the hedgehog, but reading your description of yourself I feel we'll get along great, and for the record not all new anime are bad, fairy tale and kiba are great newer animes, you just gotta keep looking