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Fable Stone
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Here comes the friend request high five
-high fives-

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Fable Stone
Theranman2K21 @animefanman7

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Fable Stone
MagicPita @majinveta
Fable Stone Back story

Fable Stone @never_more
Fable Stone Back story
Fable Stone @never_more
Name: Fable Stone
Much like Zecora before him, fable stone is a mysterious pony, or zebra. Fable was once a traveling writer and bard, taking great pleasure in reading the stories of old and visiting different cultures. In his youth, he traveled with a tribe of zebras across the plains of his homeland.
However, after years of traveling, fable left his tribe in search of his own path. In the months that followed, he visited many different countries ranging from griffonstone to yakyakastan.
Eventually, fable arrived in the equestrian capital of cantorlot. Once there, fable decided to look at the cities vast archives and library. Over the course of two weeks, he drowned himself in the stories of equestrian lore.
After his refreshing stop, fable decided to head elsewhere, he had heard of a small town far from the capital, filled with a variety of ponies from every walk of life, a town called ponyville.
Once arriving, fable noticed that the town was preparing for some sort of festival. From the look of things, it seemed to be a music festival, and all of ponyville's top musicians would be in attendance. Seeing this as an opportunity to show the town his talents, he decided to join in.
Fable was able to impress many a pony with both his vocal and instrumental music, buts that not all. Fable had a unique ability to use music to create vivid images.
Needless to say, many ponies loved the performance and fable won the music award. He also, was able to meet some new friends along the way, such as Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and Lyra Heartstrings.
Fable enjoyed himself so much, that he decided to stay in the town, and even helped build a new library, which he insisted on since he heard the old one was destroyed. This lead to a certain princess being overjoyed and thanking fable several times over.
Fable now spends his days reading equestrian and other world lore, enjoying the music of his new home, and on occasion, having a good gaming session here and there.
Beowulf Untold

Fable Stone @never_more
Beowulf Untold
Fable Stone @never_more
The Battle with the Dragon, and the Death of Beowulf
Allow me to tell you a tale and we will see how well you know it. You have all heard the stories of the Anglo-Saxon warrior known as Beowulf, a fearsome man whose strength only seemed to grow with each conflict. Toward the end of his life, Beowulf finally met his end by dragon’s fire, or so your historians and authors would have you believe.
One year had passed since Beowulf ascended to the throne of Geatland. However, Beowulf wasn’t the great ruler authors painted him to be for his warrior side never left him. This caused him to make decisions that threated the kingdom one too many times and many feared that one day, Beowulf would go too far and drive their kingdom to ruin. Despite their fear, they would not take up arms against their wolf of a leader. But one subject had no such fear, a scribe known only as “rapture” knew that there was a way to stop Beowulf’s rule and he set out to find it.
The scribe had heard of a legendary beast, so powerful and so wise that it was said it could do battle with the denizens of the hell mouth itself. The scribe tracked the great beast for many months until he finally found its domain, a great crater in a cliff overlooking the Celtic sea.
Taking courage, the scribe descended into the cavern. When the floor of the hole was reached, he noticed a great amount of gems, crystals, crowns, and swords covered the floor. As he gathered himself, he heard a voice that said. “Who dares enter my domain”! Not wanting to anger the beast, he kneeled and said, “I am called rapture oh great one, and I’ve come to plead for your aid”. It was then the beast came closer to the scribe, its features cloaked in darkness but, its crimson eyes were clearly seen. “Our kingdom is in turmoil” the beast then interrupted saying. “I know of your king”. “A wolf of a man who desired only power and yet, you humans surrendered your throne to him, and now you come to me to rectify your mistakes.”!
Sensing the beast’s anger, the scribe calmly said, “I beg for your forgiveness mighty one”. This only enraged the beast for it said, “Do not address me with such titles human, I am not one of your gods to be worshipped”! “As you wish”, once the beast calmed himself, he asked the scribe, “Why did you seek me out scribe? Do you desire what I have”? “I’ve heard in the very oldest tales that you are the mightiest of the beasts. For it was said, that you could do battle with the denizens of the hell mouth and still stand strong”. The beast found himself intrigued by the scribe’s knowledge of him, so he let the scribe continue. “Beowulf is bringing calamity and destruction to our lands. The people live in fear and will not stand against him, only you have the power to stop his reign and bring peace back to our kingdom”.
The Beast was impressed that this lowly scribe had traveled all this way because, he had such faith the he could save his kingdom that was not his own. At last the creature spoke, “I know the words you speak to be true, for I’ve seen the hold your wolf has over his people”. “It has been centuries since I intervened in man’s affairs and never intended of changing that fact”. “However, you traveled a grand distance simply to speak with me, which means you truly fear the calamity that your king with bring”. “I will deal with your wolf of a king, but not because of your fear. The calamity he will bring upon your people is just as great a threat to me”. Finally the true form came into view, yet it wasn’t what the scribe expected. It’s form appeared to be that of a two legged dragon with no wings, his skin was like that of iron, and his eyes were now a deep blue color. The creature spoke again to scribe saying, “Send word to your king that a great beast desires his kingdom and throne, let him come to me and when he does, your calamity will end”. At that he turned around and headed back into the darkness of the cavern. Rapture, with the beast’s words firmly in his mind, ascended out of the cavern and made the journey back to the borders of Geatland.
As he reached the domain of Beowulf, he started yelling out saying, “Take me, take to Beowulf, I have a message for our lord the king”. At hearing this, guards took him to the throne of Beowulf. Rapture knelt before his king saying, “My lord, I have an urgent message from the south, a great beast threatens your throne”. Beowulf then spoke saying, “What beast would dare threaten my throne”! “The beast is a legend among men milord, it is said that it dwells in a deep cavern, overlooking the sea. This outraged Beowulf for he said, “I’ll find this beast, and it will suffer a thousand deaths for threating my throne and people”.
Beowulf then dismissed the scribe and went to his chambers. The next morning, with armor strapped and his sword sharpened, and a special spear made from his blacksmith, he rode off to face this monster in battle.
When Beowulf arrived at the entrance to beasts lair, he walked up to it and yelled with a loud voice, “COME FACE ME BEAST, SO THAT I MIGHT SMITE YOU”! At this the mighty lizard burst forth from the cavern grabbing and tossing Beowulf away with his jaws before landing. As Beowulf scrambled to his feet, he heard the beast speak, “Foolish human, you are a fool to even attempt to battle me. I have faced beings far greater than the likes of thee, you cannot stand against me”. “SILENCE YOU FILTH”! At this Beowulf and mighty monster continued to do battle, sword met metal like skin, and razor like jaws met stone hard shield. Their battle was said to last for weeks perhaps even months until Beowulf finally yelled out saying, “I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY A FLITHY LIZARD”! At this Beowulf grabbed his spear and lit it with fire. With a mighty throw he hurled the spear at the creature’s maw. But he underestimated the beast’s strength, for he deflected his spear with a smash from his tail and impaled Beowulf to the ground, burning him to ash.
The mighty one stood victorious over the remains of the fallen king, and it was the then the scribe “Rapture” arrived. Seeing his approach, the lizard said, “Your king has fallen and your peace restored” At this he turned away from the scribe and started to go into the wilderness. “Where will you go mighty one”, the scribe asked. “I will go where the conflicts of man cannot weigh on me any longer”. At this the beast ran into the wilderness and to realms unknown.
It is unknown what happened to Beowulf’s former kingdom, but, it can be said that they were left grateful that they no longer had to fear him, but what about their savoir, the wingless dragon of the crater? It is said that he survived and traveled to a realm known as “a land with a rising sun”. Yet how do I know these things? I was there and I asked the beast to stop the tyrant king from crushing his own people. But let the lesson for you be this, you cannot always believe everything you see or hear, for there’s far more than what your eyes can see.