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Cake @kittymie
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Cake @kittymie
thankies :D

mad_hatter_teapot @mad_hatter_teapot
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mad_hatter_teapot @mad_hatter_teapot
Good day sir!

super24 @super24
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super24 @super24
My favorite series....
1) Inuyasha (the first anime I got into my mind was blown)
2) Lucky Star (the story of my life)
3) Kimi ni Todoke (I love the manga and anime)
4) Utawarerumono (I don't even know how I even found this series. I think I was on youtube and you know how they have suggested videos "oh you like funny cat videos here watch this." But I like this series lol)
5) Marmalade boy (it's like peach girl on drugs, I remember watching this in high school and I totally distant myself when things were going bad in the series lol) I'm sorry if this is long but you brought this on to yourself.
What are your favorite anime series?