GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
commented on

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
Yup I have a lot more to like the new shounen magazine one not released yet in america. I have one with the blue eyes in front of the earth. I have the new Azure eyed dragon as well.

tcht @tcht
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tcht @tcht
Holy shit you even got the one from the game! O_O

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
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GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
Alright sweet :3

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
I'm off now but Imma make a pic of my yugioh collection, or atleast the scraps left from my childhood, tomorow xD

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
commented on

GingaDensetsuKeri @gingadensetsukeri
The reason some are in bad shape is because I got em for a good deal on ebay.

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on

Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
holy cow this is legendary. I need to do that too haha. How awesome sucha collection would be.
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