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n/a @absolut_am
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n/a @absolut_am

thrashguitarist @thrashguitarist
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thrashguitarist @thrashguitarist
Welcome to the site!

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Hey there little sister come stop by page sometime by the way that kind a spirituality is the best, at as far as I’m concerned.
My girl, talking 'bout my girl!

zephie_cakes @zephie_cakes
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My girl, talking 'bout my girl!
zephie_cakes @zephie_cakes
I love that song very much.
Down to earth girl huh. I may be a little broken around the edges from being tossed aside but I can try to be your earth angel.
I love kids and do plan having some of my own and if I can't I've always wanted to adopt. Adoption I think is a great idea.
Look wise I am short i hope that doesn't bother you much. I am 4ft 11 and I way about 103lbs. I wear make up when I have to but I'm not a fan off it because I prefer true beauty then having make up caked on.
And omg. Cuddling. hehe. That's like one of my favorite things. Sadly a lot of the people I've dated before didn't.