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blublob @blublob
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blublob @blublob
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thatguytony @thatguytony
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thatguytony @thatguytony
I regret nothing

thatguytony @thatguytony
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thatguytony @thatguytony
The sound of a constant influx of anime memes sounds like a good deal to me
What is the 1st anime you watched that turned you into an Otaku??

yurishadowstalker @yurishadowstalker
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What is the 1st anime you watched that turned you into an Otaku??
yurishadowstalker @yurishadowstalker
I'm an anonymous person on the internet, and my first real anime (other than pokemon or digimon) was actually Black Butler. I was rather late to the party when it came to age. A friend of mine came over to hang out and randomly started watching episode 2. I was confused, as they seemed to be speaking Japanese and she had subtitles on. But, I soon started to grow a liking to the plot. But it was only about 2 years later that another friend showed me oddly enough, a rather unpopular anime in Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, that I started to appreciate anime. I was soon down the slippery slope of watching at least an episode a day with a maximum of about 13.
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yurishadowstalker @yurishadowstalker
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yurishadowstalker @yurishadowstalker
