First thing you need to know about me. I'm pretty awesome. I'm also a dragon; To a certain someone anyways. I am happily engaged to the love of my life, and I consider myself to be the luckiest guy in the world because of it.
My personality/hobbies are very similar to the anime characters Kyousuke Kousaka (Oreimo), Kanako Miyamae (Maria-Holic), and Konata Izumi (Lucky Star). Mix them together, and that's basically me. Hopefully that will save you some time deciding if you want to read this giant mess I made below.
I value your time as much as my own so I highlighted words so that you can skim my info.
-I am here for-
I'm looking for friendships as first priority.
I am open to the idea of a relationship if I meet the right person. Taken now. Whoops!~
-A bit of cliché info about me-
I like anime. A bit redundant probably.
I love games. I mostly play PC games these days.
I enjoy all kinds of tv shows; Not just anime.
I usually have music turned on most of the day, and I can listen to almost anything on an endless loop for long periods of time. I enjoy a large variety of music; Including what some would deem as odd.
I'm a very calm person most of the time. If I sound cold sometimes I promise that's not it at all. =\
I'm definitely more emotionally charged than physically charged. When dating someone just a simple string of the correct words can make any bad day better for me. I DO like physical contact as well but what I said just means that kind words go a long way with me even from a large distance.
I'm extremely loyal, and I care a lot. My inbox is open to anyone. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need someone to talk, or rant to. I'll listen, and reply unless you ask me to just listen.
-Important note-
I should probably be as open as possible about turn offs.
I refuse to date anymore Fujoshi/Yaoi-fan girls than I have already. I have my reasons, and I learned the hard way that we are not compatible. It's a waste of time for both parties involved so it's to both our benefits if we get that out of the way so we don't waste each others time.
If you are just looking for friendship this still applies but there's a bit of leeway there.
Don't try to force it on me, and keep it to yourself. That's all I ask from just friends.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. I am not bothered by curiosity, or interest for any reason. I hope you have a great week. Thank you so much for reading all of this. I greatly appreciate it!
I'm also a bit shy but I am trying my best. @_@
My personality/hobbies are very similar to the anime characters Kyousuke Kousaka (Oreimo), Kanako Miyamae (Maria-Holic), and Konata Izumi (Lucky Star). Mix them together, and that's basically me. Hopefully that will save you some time deciding if you want to read this giant mess I made below.
I value your time as much as my own so I highlighted words so that you can skim my info.
-I am here for-
-A bit of cliché info about me-
-Important note-
I should probably be as open as possible about turn offs.
I refuse to date anymore Fujoshi/Yaoi-fan girls than I have already. I have my reasons, and I learned the hard way that we are not compatible. It's a waste of time for both parties involved so it's to both our benefits if we get that out of the way so we don't waste each others time.
If you are just looking for friendship this still applies but there's a bit of leeway there.
Don't try to force it on me, and keep it to yourself. That's all I ask from just friends.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. I am not bothered by curiosity, or interest for any reason. I hope you have a great week. Thank you so much for reading all of this. I greatly appreciate it!
I'm also a bit shy but I am trying my best. @_@