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yoshi_yoshimitsu @yoshi_yoshimitsu
yoshi_yoshimitsu @yoshi_yoshimitsu
Finally seen kiki's delivery service for the first time✌ such a good movie :)

asekuro @asekuro
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asekuro @asekuro
thanks for the friend request ^^

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
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kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Hey man thanks for the friend request its nice to meet you :]
most memorable scene

yoshi_yoshimitsu @yoshi_yoshimitsu
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most memorable scene
yoshi_yoshimitsu @yoshi_yoshimitsu
Definitely the scene from code geass when lelouch accidentally makes
Euphemia assault the croud of Japanese
What would you want to do if you went to Japan?

yoshi_yoshimitsu @yoshi_yoshimitsu
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What would you want to do if you went to Japan?
yoshi_yoshimitsu @yoshi_yoshimitsu
I would like to visit SUPER POTATO in akihabara