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yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1
yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1

Love this song. Feeling his lyrics so much right now.

yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1
yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1
This is a IMPORTANT MESSAGE to all my friends on this website. If this miyoung person randomly messages you first do not message them back. Immediately block them right away. Because this girl is not a girl she is a boy and he has been blocking people for no random reason then when he blocks your account the automated security system on this website bans you for one week. So please be careful I had already spoke to 3 admins and they are currently resolving the issue this person has been doing. Guys please please do not message this miyoung person back if they start to talk to you for no reason. Because even if you are nice to him he will find any excuse to get mad and block you once he blocks you the security system will ban you on this website for 1 week so please please do not message them back. Just block them as I said I spoke to all the admins and modders. Love you guys please stay on your toes around this person

yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1
yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1
This is a IMPORTANT MESSAGE to all my friends on this website. If this miyoung person randomly messages you first do not message them back. Immediately block them right away. Because this girl is not a girl she is a boy and he has been blocking people for no random reason then when he blocks your account the automated security system on this website bans you for one week. So please be careful I had already spoke to 3 admins and they are currently resolving the issue this person has been doing. Guys please please do not message this miyoung person back if they start to talk to you for no reason. Because even if you are nice to him he will find any excuse to get mad and block you once he blocks you the security system will ban you on this website for 1 week so please please do not message them back. Just block them as I said I spoke to all the admins and modders. Love you guys please stay on your toes around this person
What Does Your Mobile Screen Look Like? What Background Do You Have For your Wallpaper? Lols

yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1
What Does Your Mobile Screen Look Like? What Background Do You Have For your Wallpaper? Lols
yakuzasaiyan1 @yakuzasaiyan1
My mobile screen wall paper. Lol Sekiro baby