fatzilla @jineko
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fatzilla @jineko
d'aww I'm not cute. Just fabulous and awesome. :P

Cattato @blacksailorshooter
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Cattato @blacksailorshooter
yo happy new year!

cocobinks @courtneycosplays
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cocobinks @courtneycosplays
Good to meet you

chocolatenakama @chocolatenakama
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chocolatenakama @chocolatenakama
Hello :-)

Marissa :) @mimi22
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Marissa :) @mimi22
Hi Matt! It's nice to meet you. :)

GoIdfishy Ⴟ @urtv_unit667
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GoIdfishy Ⴟ @urtv_unit667
Hello. :3

socorro13 @socorro13
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socorro13 @socorro13
Believe me, I don't find many anime fans here in Idaho either lol. I can't help It though, I'm a fan. I'm more of a one piece fan so when I have the time myself... I end up watching that most of the time. I like manga but I prefer anime at this point

socorro13 @socorro13
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socorro13 @socorro13
Hi, it's nice to meet some fellow otaku. I have just begun the anime and soon the manga. The anime has proven to be very cool so far. You read the manga? How far are you in the anime?

wingzero87 @wingzero87
wingzero87 @wingzero87
Legend of Korra: Book One on DvD, Mountain Dew Gamer Fuel, and some jalapeño cheddar Cheetos! Pretty damn excited. Now I just need someone to share this awesome moment with lol.

Asupon ❥ @asupon
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Asupon ❥ @asupon
Hey, how are you? ^_^ /