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Happiegal @happiegal
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Happiegal @happiegal
hello, you've just been added

miyuki19miki @miyuki19miki
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miyuki19miki @miyuki19miki
im not doing anything, and your welcome

ZGO @zgo
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ZGO @zgo
Yeah, I don't disagree. The things one sees as a child tend to be more "magical" than what they see as an adult. But I wasn't really a child per say, when I started watching Slayers. As a little kid I watched She-Ra, Thundercats, etc and all the greats of the 80's. I didn't see Slayers until I was 15. So Slayers is rather second rank in the nostalgia department. Not that I love it any less. However, I wasn't as thrilled with the new series. It was... missing something I think. And Lina was way too violent, hyper violent even. We needed more scenes of her being terrified like we had in the original. But I subbed Revolution so I got attached to it.
Anime Boston? :)

vrumuguns @vrumuguns
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
vrumuguns @vrumuguns
Read all the information regarding the dance and all that. Really silly decisions they make in my opinion, even before the dance itself was canceled. So they want me to pay for a weekend pass to go to an event on Saturday because they feel people sometimes come for just the Saturday events. Why do you offer Saturday only passes in the first place then? What if I only have free time on Saturday, you telling me you want me to pay for three days instead because I might be taking advantage of the lower price for the only day I will be going, the whole point of a single day ticket? Jeez. Never been to Anime Boston but it isn't sounding too promising. Why don't they just move venues if they have such issues in their certain one?
Anime Boston? :)

vrumuguns @vrumuguns
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
vrumuguns @vrumuguns
anyone got hotel room space? haha