NOT looking for romance ━━━━━。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。━━━━━
So please don't send me a message trying to get giggity with me

If my photos make me seem unapproachable, sorry

I've been told that my face isn't very friendly.. _| ̄|○

Oh, and the stuff on my lists aren't in any particular order. I just typed them as I thought of them

You will probably

nyaaaaa, I try my best to welcome new members as soon as I see them. If I didn't welcome you, I apologize! D:

Ask and I'll photoshop your photos for you. Maybe.
Oh, and my official MaiOtaku join date is Nov. 15 2009

☆━━━━━【Commonly Asked Questions】━━━━━━━━━━☆
Do you watch a lot of anime?
- Not really. I'ts not that I don't like it. I just prefer manga over anime.
Who is your favorite naruto character?
- Sai. But that's probably because I have a crush on him (´・ω・`)
Do you listen to a lot of Japanese music? I notice you don't really have that many Japanese bands listed..
- Most definitely. I would say that Nihon music takes up a good 40% of my iPod! I just got a little lazy and decided not to list them all.
Are you a model?
- Somewhat. I do a lot of free-lance work. It's not really a big part of my life, but I do enjoy it.
What side are you on in the Console War?
- 360 all the way, baby.
I love Paramore. Why don't you??
- I love Haley William's voice...okay, not really. But I like it. She's very talented in that respect. But I can't stand the horrible lyrics she writes. Seriously, they're bad.
What sort of art do you do?
- Mostly photomanips, and lot of graphic design. I'm getting more into vector art, but my main focus right now is glamour art.
Are you a coder?
- NO. Absolutely not. I would say I am a 6/10 scale in that respect ( ̄へ ̄)
What is your orientation?
- I like to say I'm gender-blind.
Are you looking for love?
- Burned once, staying out of the kitchen this time
Have you ever been called fake before?
- Yes. I don't like it. Not that it happens a lot! *laugh*
But I try to keep my wits about me when it does occur.
- Yes. I don't like it. Not that it happens a lot! *laugh*
Why do you say,"nyaa" all the time?
- I think that the expression "nyaa" is really cute and sweet. It makes me feel like I've been dipped in a vat of chocolate
when I say it. [Not really]
- I think that the expression "nyaa" is really cute and sweet. It makes me feel like I've been dipped in a vat of chocolate

- Cleanliness
- Pureness
- Polite
- Positive Attitude
- Similar interest in hobbies
- Glasses
- Dark Hair
- School Uniforms
- Artistic
- Loyalty
- Honesty
- My 360 ♥
- WoW (I put this above food, even)

- Bad Hygiene
- Rudeness
- Stalkers
- Badboys
- English dubs

☆━━━━━【How to know if I will completely hate your guts. Do you:】━━━━━━━━━━☆
- Drug yourself into a a lethargic stupor?
- claim to be a full or part-time photographer but can't shoot for shit/don't have a real camera/wouldn't know how to use one if someone slapped you upside your head with an instruction manual?
- think that slapping a filter onto a bad photograph makes you a photoshop whiz?
- use DeviantART like its some sort of social networking site?
- Insist that your best friends are better than mine?
- lack an original personality of your own, and are masquerading under the guise(s) of 'scene', 'emo', 'electrikk', and/or 'indie'? You suck. You and the herd you belong to.
- use Cullen as a surname?
- spam adds or constantly make people uncomfortable by asking for their IM information repeatedly?
- Pity yourself, and make statements such as,"The world would be better off without me.." "I'm leaving forever. You'll never see me around again.."
Just know my face looks likewhen I read your [always] unfulfilled suicide ramblings.

- Manhwa/Manga
- Anime
- Video Games(FPS, mostly)
- Browsing the Internet(a LOT)

- Singing
- Graphic Design
- Going to shows
- Photography
- Hanging out with friends

- Borderlands
- Call of Duty
- Gears of War
- Fable
- DeadSpace
- Guitar Hero
- Rock Band
- Pokemon
- Zelda
- Final Fantasy
- Assasin's Creed
- Castle Crashers
- Halo

- Loveless
- Claymore
- Naruto
- Hana Kimi
- Bride of the Water God
- You're So Cool
- Skip Beat
- 1/2 Prince
- TearDrop
- Electric Tale of Pikachu
- Sailor Moon
- 100% Perfect Girl
- H2O
- WallFlower
- Can't Lose You
- Ouran Koukou Host Club
- Others I don't feel like listing.

- Naruto
- Naruto: Shippuden
- Sailor Moon
- Ouran Host Club
- Furuba
- Others I don't feel like listing.

★━━━━━【Favorite Characters】━━━━━━━━━━★
Okay really, these are just the characters I have crushes on.
- Almost all of the characters of [Naruto]
- Mitsuru (Cresent Moon)
- Shin, Yul (Goong)
- Jarte (100% Perfect Girl)
- Kyoya, Hitachiin twins(Ouran)
- Riley (Pokemon)
- L. Light is very unattractive to me. I hate his type of personality the most.
- Many, many more! Too many...I don't even want to name anymore...

☆━━━━━【Band/Singers I like】━━━━━━━━━━☆
- Dave Matthews
- HeartsRevolution
- Muse
- Charlie Daniels
- System of a Down
- BrokenCYDE
- Michael Jackson
- Taylor Swift
- Girugamesh
- An Cafe
- Britney Spears
- The Mars Volta
- Disney kids(for the catchy tunes)
- Disturbed
- Enter Shikari
- X Japan
- Dream Theater
- Justin Timberlake
- Etc, etc. I try to give every band an unbiased listen. I don't have a preference.

★━━━━━【Bands/Singers I dislike】━━━━━━━━━━★
- Paramore
- Three Days Grace
- Korn
- Nana Kitade