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vahnscraze @vahnscraze
vahnscraze @vahnscraze
Thanks. ^_^ It was given to me by a friend about 4 years ago and I still wear it. :3

shikamarachan @shikamarachan
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shikamarachan @shikamarachan
Nice jacket!

vahnscraze @vahnscraze
vahnscraze @vahnscraze
It's okay, I don't actually speak german. ^_^; I'm here for work, though I can make out what you're saying from being here for a while.
Germany anyone?

vahnscraze @vahnscraze
commented on
Germany anyone?
vahnscraze @vahnscraze
I see. Well, knowing there's someone else in Europe besides myself is good enough for me. ^_^; So how are you?
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may

vahnscraze @vahnscraze
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
vahnscraze @vahnscraze
Tinkerbell's magic only works for so long; causing the bots to stop floating after being several thousand feet in the air and off in a random direction and plummet to the ground crushing Krillin in the process. A small scoreboard pops into existence next to Krillin and the number goes from "72" to "73".