Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may

Yu @metaljester
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Yu @metaljester
The rules are as befor i will start it off and a person will then post the next part you may post as many as you like for this interactive

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Yu @metaljester
Now we begin with a city that is full of inhabitants set out in the heart of downtown and it is winter so it is pretty cold apparently everybody has been acting strangely towards each other but just then something seems to be causing distress as a huge vibration on the street occurs

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Suddenly an ice beast comes out of the ground and the villagers run to the beast with offerings of sheep, gems, and bread. The beast demands more and smashes a nearby home.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Yu @metaljester
The home is destroyed and a irritated man comes out saying why did you destroy my house when all of a sudden spiderman comes out of nowhere and shoots webs at it doing nothing the beast simply smacks him off to the distance and spiderman says owww my freaking back as he limps back up

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Phoenix @animecountryboy
The beast breathes his ice cold breath on spiderman and spiderman becomes an icicle, which the beast then proceeds to eat.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Yu @metaljester
all of sudden the earth shakes violenty as something erupts out of the ground when the dust is cleared it appears to be a wild charizard

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Ashe comes running up through the crowd, "charizard use flamethrower!"

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Yu @metaljester
the fart destroys half the city causing a arena of destruction for the ice beast and the charizard

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Hello time for our random story interactive v2 anybody that wishes to join may
Yu @metaljester
Ash then watches the ice beast go back in pain from the flame thrower and then he says use flame punch into the stomache of the ice beast when all of the sudden another trainer enters the area he has brown spiky hair and then says hey ash did you miss me ash replys not you gary motherfucking oak
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