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eelena @eelena
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eelena @eelena
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BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323
I can't forget that guy that couldn't start my bike at all and then i did it in first try and the way his father looked at me hahaha

9TailedFox @uzimachi Hahaha ye thats gona be imbedded in ur brain for a long time now xd little dude was so shoked u did it so fast xd

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

9TailedFox @uzimachi Creepy girls ur just my style xd

9TailedFox @uzimachi Cool somg like it
Last one to post here wins

9TailedFox @uzimachi
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Last one to post here wins
9TailedFox @uzimachi

IRL pictures

9TailedFox @uzimachi
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IRL pictures
9TailedFox @uzimachi

Idiot working