Kristalee @kristaleesan
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Kristalee @kristaleesan
:D Oh don't worry about the late response it's cool. I am doing fine as well ^o^ just checking some stuff in anispace and facebook XD How was your day today ?

Kristalee @kristaleesan
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Kristalee @kristaleesan
Hi there :D Thank you very much for the invite :D How are you?

RiniLe @rinile
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RiniLe @rinile
Thanks for the invite xD

Shoddy @shoddy
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Shoddy @shoddy
Hey, I can tell from your picture you'll like this. If you haven't already, Check out an anime called Hejime no Ippo. (spelling may be off) It's an anime about boxing and it's surprisingly good. only the first season is dubed (75 episodes)but there are 2 other 25 episode seasons, one just finished a few weeks ago. If your into boxing go check it out

Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
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Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
Well hello there! Welcoming to the site and thank you for the request ^-^

nerdymusician @nerdymusician
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nerdymusician @nerdymusician
Welcome to the site! ^.^