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You Two @kawaii_yasashi_kowaii
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You Two @kawaii_yasashi_kowaii
Greetings.=(^w^)= My name is Jizabel but, you can call me "Jynx". How are you.=)

umbralai @umbralai
umbralai @umbralai
hey everyone thanx for accepting yea outlaw pays really well if you find a good employer 70k-100k a year easy lol.

xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
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xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Hey thanks for the friend request and welcome to MaiOtaku =) How are you?
What's Your Favorite Japan/Korean Music?

umbralai @umbralai
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What's Your Favorite Japan/Korean Music?
umbralai @umbralai
epikhigh is da greatest korean hiphop group
What about Florida?

umbralai @umbralai
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What about Florida?
umbralai @umbralai
I live in miami not very many unique people here....anyone from miami on this site???