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Last online over 3 years ago
Hi everyone~!

Here I am, back to this website. Nearly one year ago I met someone here, I thought she was the right one for me but she left me.
I goes on Reddit at first thinking maybe it can brings something. But it didn't sadly.
So I decided I would create a new account in here and make a new beginning. (Which I thought I would never do, but you can't predict the future huh)

I talk quite a lot so I apologize in advance for the long self description. ^^"

I am French. 24 years old.
I love animes a lot. When I say a lot it really is a lot. To the point that if I really want I can watch Original versions without subs.
I also like to read manga and light novels. Listen to music (my tastes in music are quite unique so feel free to ask about it if you're curious). Also gaming but not as much as before. Even if I yeah crave for a partner to do everything with including gaming.
I stopped recently but I also used to cook quite a lot. It can be a nice topic to talk about as well. I also like to go out with friends even if lately it's not really the right time for it.
I can say more but it will be too long so let's stop with the hobby part.

Now about my personality. I am friendly, kind. A lot caring. Loves to give attention and receiving much as well. I am also a lot a cuddling person.
Now the bad part is that I can eventually be really clingy and really needy (when it happens it generally means I really like you lol).
I will easily say am sorry and easily worry or get emotional.
And well..I am dirty minded person. Now you know. Even so please don't categorize me as a rude pervert. I don't openly and publicly show that side of me.

I look for more than just a simple friendship not gonna lie. But even so I don't say no to new bonds. Chill and open talks. Saying so I am opened to any topics and you can also ask me anything.
Age is quite secondary for me. What matters are the feelings. The attraction between two hearts and souls. (My bad if it sounds innocent but that's how I am)
I am myself not in shape anymore because of some circumstances (even if I well plan to lose weight again as much as needed) so be warned.
Ah and for my anime list I will add some anime in here but if you have interest I also have a MAL Profile I can share in private.

I can goes on for a while still like this but well. I don't want to make you all run away so I will stop. ^^"
Thank you if you had the courage to read everything. I really appreciate.
I hope that this is good enough and not too boring.
Feel free to sends request and we can talk to learn more about each others~!