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timli1020 @timli1020
timli1020 @timli1020
my thirst levels are at a all time high, gentlemen.

timli1020 @timli1020
timli1020 @timli1020

Shit was dumb lit

timli1020 @timli1020
timli1020 @timli1020
Ornn is broken
What do you bring to the table?

timli1020 @timli1020
commented on
What do you bring to the table?
timli1020 @timli1020
My D
Yes I had nothing else better to do lol
Otaku Relationship?

timli1020 @timli1020
commented on
Otaku Relationship?
timli1020 @timli1020
I've come to realize that the only reason why I signed up for this site was because i was desperate, lonely and believe or not, thirsty. I've been on tinder, okc, east meets east, bumble etc. and I have met a good amount of girls on each of them. I'll talk to them, first with excitement that they have the same interests as me. But that alone doesn't create that "spark", or they just dont nterest me, or it just didn't work out. That's why I've slowly stopped talking to them. It was a process of moving from one to another. If you want my opinion, online dating is a hit or miss. Most people give up before they find anything special. I'm not saying that's it's impossible, because there are success stories out there. But man do I gotta say......this online dating shit is wack lol. I only come here to as like a secondary FB.