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SKuLLiTA @skullita
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SKuLLiTA @skullita
Thanks for the add xD

this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla You are welcome ^0^ I am online a lot, but i don't have a lot of people messaging me so message anytime XP.

eneleak @eneleak
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eneleak @eneleak
ewwww candy has to be sweet too! >3< and its better to message on the message hingy since its faster but sometimes it messes up( well for me at least)

this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla Ok we can stay on here! XP..... so this face :3 is supposed to be a cat....but i think it looks more like a manatee!

eneleak @eneleak
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eneleak @eneleak
caramel!!! XD its sweet but not to sweet ( of course sweetness never bothered me )

this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla I love Carmel! cx i will see about trying some next time i go somewhere fancy XP and sweet things are the best, unless it's candy, then sour !!! ^0^

this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla And I'm a little confused of chatting on the site, is it better to do it in the message section or here on the wall thingy?

this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla
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this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla
*naughty story!*
Ok sooo this year at age 17 My girlfriend, now ex, whispered in my ear "I'll do whatever you want" (she wanted sexytime) so i whispered back "Get me chocolate milk"
disappointed she did.......then i had her... do some tongue stuff while i sat in a chair and drank my chocolate milk. I was a king.... was this too lewd ;-; I am sorry....
Hewwo ;D

this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla
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Hewwo ;D
this_is_valhalla @this_is_valhalla
I am feeling lonely too ;-;, maybe we will start a fun skype group XP i will add you.