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otoburikid @otoburikid
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otoburikid @otoburikid
yo it's been a while, what's been up?

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
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abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah

TheDon03 @thedon03
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TheDon03 @thedon03
just stoping by to say hi!
Your Favorite Character

_ @themoonkitty
commented on
Your Favorite Character
_ @themoonkitty
<font color="purple">I got confused, lol.<BR>
But my favorite character would have to be ... Sesshie, hehe, HH8004 has a point xD as well as as Kyo from Fruits Basket, Ren from Nana... *blink* oops I'm listing bishies xD <BR>
That... just...happened... xD </font>

_ @themoonkitty
commented on
_ @themoonkitty
<font color="purple">I second what everyone above me has said =n_n=<BR>
Family members may <i>think</i> they know what's best for you, but they really don't ... They just know what they want you to do and that is completely different.<BR>
Some boys are prettier than others, big deal, tell them to stop being jealous, lol. And so what you support people with alternate lifestyles... It's sad they still need people to support them cuz people are to ignorant to realize they don't have a problem.<BR>
So I give you a gold star and 2 health potions for being awesome, do what makes you happy and try not to let your family get you down<BR>
=^.^= </font>
Mar 12-14
Apr 2-4
Jul 1-4
Sep 3-6