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serah2012 @serah2012
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serah2012 @serah2012
i completely agree. I don't even bother with updating this

serah2012 @serah2012
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serah2012 @serah2012
Yeah me too :(
I update my list on MAL more than this

thecatsbumberchute @thecatsbumberchute
thecatsbumberchute @thecatsbumberchute
I'm constantly updating MAL. I have to to keep track of things at this point. But life took a huge dump on me and once again, I forgot about this place.
A scary and overwhelming time in my life. Any advice?

thecatsbumberchute @thecatsbumberchute
A scary and overwhelming time in my life. Any advice?
thecatsbumberchute @thecatsbumberchute
So, the past year has been a whirlwind of bad news after bad news. And the challenges keep mounting. I'm at a point now where the future is uncertain and frankly quite scary. I know I have some anxiety, which isn't helping things. But I was hoping that someone with a similar experience could help shed some light on how they dealt with it on their end. Any advice would help. I would have thought that by my age, I's have it all figured out. But life doesn't always work out the way we anticipate. I'm still trying to figure it all out.
So to keep this as simple as possible. We'll start this off by saying that I had been at my job for thirteen years. Last year around March, they decided to close the business due to my boss having Parkinson's disease. He and his wife didn't want to mess with running a business anymore. And instead wanted to focus on enjoying life and enjoying time with their new twin granddaughters. At the beginning of April, they decided to sell the company to a business about a block away, who we had done business with on a regular basis for many years. My job was to stay the same. And all of the systems and inventory would remain unchanged. It was merely a change of address. So we got all of the inventory moved, all of the inventory, warehousing, and ordering systems up and running, and then the bread and butter of our business, a client who my previous employer had retained for about fifteen years, decided to jump ship and go with another company. There was a big panic at that time. Not only from me, but from my new boss. But he found a way to absorb me into the company and find other things to do. I was very appreciative.
For the past several years, I'd lived at my dad's house. He had been in and out of the hospital and in nursing homes for the better part of the decade. When my apartment lease wasn't renewed, he told me to just go live at the house, as it was better than leaving it abandoned in his absence. So that's what I did. He had many issues going on. But he'd always pulled through. But last July, he suddenly, and unexpectedly died, after having to go back into the hospital for an infection.
His house had a second mortgage taken out on it back in '08, because of my mom's frivolous spending. There was no way that I could afford to pay the mortgage at $1700 a month, and so I began house shopping and ceased paying the mortgage on dad's place. Fast forward a couple of months, and I was able to find a little house that I could afford, and began fixing it up a little in preparation to move in. I knew I had a long road ahead of me when it came to sorting through all of dad's belongings, and old items of mine from childhood. But most people I talked to said the foreclosure process usually could take upwards of six months to a year once they decided to go that route.
So a week ago, I got the letter in the mail, only two weeks after the letter that said they were pursuing foreclosure, that informed me that the property will be auctioned April 5th. So I've been scrambling like mad trying to get everything of importance out of here. I know there are many things that I'll have to leave behind, just because I simply won't have space or the time or manpower to move them. But I am making progress. To make matters worse, two days before I received the auction letter, my boss told me that it was likely they'd have to let me go at some point in the near future. It's all just too much at once. And here I am trying to get it all worked out. Sometimes I don't even have the energy to do much more that take one load over to the new place, due to the emotional overload of potential joblessness while having a new mortgage to pay. Add to it the fact that I'll have to watch my childhood home go by the wayside, and it seems like a lot to digest at once. I know there are people out there who have been through a lot worse. And I admire their spirit and their guts. But this whole mess is really drained me for the past year. Any advice?
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?

thecatsbumberchute @thecatsbumberchute
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Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
thecatsbumberchute @thecatsbumberchute
I think most people joined this site hoping they could meet someone here. Then once they got here, they realized that it isn't formatted like a dating website at all. To me, it doesn't seem that there are really any tools on here to help anyone meet anyone. Especially the shy quiet types. Myself included. This is more of just an anime forum, if anything. And if anyone has ever found romance on an average forum, its gotta be pretty rare. All I use this site for anymore is just updating my list and occasionally browsing through the forum topics. And I even forget about that most times. Every now and then I'll have a new friend request. I'll send them a 'Thank You' and a little something else, accept their request, send a message or two back and forth, and never hear from them again. So while I would definitely be interested in a relationship, even someone to chat with on occasion, it doesn't seem like it'll happen here. In fact, I don't really even bother looking anymore. Once you come up empty handed so many times, the act of trying to find something just becomes more exhausting than anything.