Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Friday!!! If I'm lucky another short day at work and I'll be out Early !!
elhaym @elhaym
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Johnathan Masaki
elhaym @elhaym
Heya & thx for adding me :)
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3 Hi no prob thanks for accepting
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Ain't nothing better then big burger after a long day of work haha
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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Johnathan Masaki
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Hello thanks for the add. You can call me Aries.
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3 Pleased to meet you names John
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries Hi john :). How are you this evening?
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3 Good right now at work pretending to be working mainly since it's a slow day...
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries Lmao,
Please don't get in trouble dear. My boyfriend does that all the time haa. At leaSt he get free Internet and cable since he works for time warner
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries I have to pay for mines
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3 Naw I'm part of night shift so the boss is lenient as hell I mean he's always on his phone so yea and even then we all play around alot so it's no prob haha
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries Nice
I work from home I'm tired of dealing with bosses over my head. I have two business I run one of the business been around since 1959. I travel sometimes with it.
My second business is home day care.
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3 That's pretty chill and simple I can't say I'd do that can't really stand being still for to long or even being home I mean yea love playing Video games but I gotta move haha that's why I like this job
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries I don't stay home alot I take kids places only with permission of there parents to do so I do Internet marketing which requires travel which isn't bad easy i prefer to be my own boss I'm mean to people who tell me what to do sometime.
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3 Haha sounds reasonable
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Finally got my punkish Len cosplay ready for a-kon this year haha idk which other con I'll go to though..
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
himouto_chouchan5 @himouto_chouchan5
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Johnathan Masaki
himouto_chouchan5 @himouto_chouchan5
Thanks for the add!
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3