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Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
I think ima stick to genderbend cosplay as it seems to be the only one that's very fun and has an interesting challenge to it haha

Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3

Perfection does exist....

Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Oh shit no game no life movie trailer was finally released ugh finally something goods coming I'm excited!! #
Babymetal in Dallas

Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
commented on
Babymetal in Dallas
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
I think last time they had tour which feels like forever ago, they went through NE twice
Babymetal in Dallas

Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Babymetal in Dallas
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
Pretty excited to go, never thought they'd go through Dallas let alone Texas, who else is going