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Last online 12 months ago
Oyabun @senpaisamasan left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 14, 20 at 10:12pm
Oyabun @senpaisamasan left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 14, 20 at 9:29am
I'm not really a stickler for details, I.just wanted to point those out though
DEACTIVATED @swadian That's fine and all, however, if you claim I hide something based on that it means you're seeking a specific answer, not a logical construct
Oyabun @senpaisamasan left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 14, 20 at 3:24am
Upon further inspection i noticed there were actually 2 exclamations followed by a period What are you hiding shoni?
DEACTIVATED @swadian That I really like using periods to end up paragraphs regardless of their grammatical correctness? I have edited many times my about and I don't often check for these things, I just write them and let it go
Oyabun @senpaisamasan left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 14, 20 at 3:00am
Noticed a typo on your bio, you added a period after an exclamation point after the word "friends"
DEACTIVATED @swadian Quite observant, thanks!
That moment when almost everyone around you is feeling messed up, depressive and so on, yet, I don't have the energy to lend them an ear ┐(‘~`;)┌
Lishifu @hakutaku Irl? Online?
User @yangj1026 People always will have their reasons for depression or sadness. I learn to make my close friends happy and a lover the happiest, but to randos i just give memes and a positive attitude. Only one person can do so much.
Lishifu @hakutaku I try my best not to bring emotional burdens to anyone so I learn to manage my own negative emotions and use them as a weapon on some occasions. I explain my own attitude by living this life and spotting those small pleasures. Being emotionally closed off is probably the reason why I haven't been brought to the mental level of some people's here.
DEACTIVATED @swadian It is true that people will always find ways to be stressed and depressed. It's just... Have you ever felt, like you discover something, yet, you cannot teach that something to others? Think of it as if it was a classroom filled with people who didn't knew the answer to 2+2 = 4 , while you're perfectly aware of it, yet, you can't tell them, because you know that telling them will arise conflict and will bring out the worst of their emotions...
User @yangj1026 left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 12, 20 at 2:29pm
This one you sent is pretty good, i like the lyrics. What i like most about the music i like is that they have the "i can feel it" factor. So when i hear music like Minami's, I get to hear the soft voice, and the growling cries, the creative voice utility, and good lyrics. Heres another that i like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJRQ4-Z_MQs
User @yangj1026 left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 12, 20 at 2:17pm
I send music right back at you (disclaimer: for edgy people) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YF8vecQWYs
User @yangj1026 Should use subs if you want to see the meaning
八幡神 @naofumi94 left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 11, 20 at 6:18pm
Shoniya I enjoyed the chat :) hope you have a good day.
Rokas @sparkis left a comment for DEACTIVATED
May 11, 20 at 11:53am
May 09, 20 at 3:05am
Shoniya is the true simp queen