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Gudmoore @gudmoore
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Gudmoore @gudmoore
Ello, thanks for the friend request!

sunny_desu @sunny_desu
sunny_desu @sunny_desu
OMG! Haven't been on here in forever~!

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
yea I have no problem with that
Any Buffalo Otaku?

sunny_desu @sunny_desu
Any Buffalo Otaku?
sunny_desu @sunny_desu
Just looking for some cool people to talk to in my area. Need some new friends cx so if you live in that area or close to it. Drop a comment(?) Below!
Looking for New Friends~

sunny_desu @sunny_desu
Looking for New Friends~
sunny_desu @sunny_desu
Hello~~ I'm looking for some new people to talk to! If you'd like to talk! Leave me a message in my inbox!