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mikay @mikay
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mikay @mikay
Thankies for the friend request!
*bow, bow*

_ @themoonkitty
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_ @themoonkitty
<center><font color="purple">Lol, I'm going to reply to your email here otherwise I will TOTALLY forget and never answer xD<BR>
xD Catgirls are supposed to be kawaii... that's what makes us moe, lol xD But I can understand what you're saying xD<BR>
It's easy for the oversized features to take that into like cartoon land, haha. Maybe you'll be more fond of catgirls who like... Just wear ears and a tail, but not so much the furry paws or something **shrugs**<BR>
Everybody needs to <3 a catgirl... If for no other reason than the fact that we like to be <3ed, hehe.<BR>
Whoa... this message got long o.O;; hehe. I'll reply more later **wavies**<BR>
Nyah!!!! =^-^= </center></font>

_ @themoonkitty
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_ @themoonkitty
OMG How could you NOT love a catgirl?!?! We're amazing!! I mean the fact that we purr, mew, meow and nyah are reasons enough on their own, haha! That and we're playful, can be sweet...can be.. xD we bite and scratch and paw and nom and ... we just make the world a better place <BR>
**insert sappy music here** Hehehe<BR>
Why do you not <3 catgirls??
Anyone in Charlotte?

Stratosfire @stratosfire
Anyone in Charlotte?
Stratosfire @stratosfire
Anyone going to Ichibancon?
Looking for Otaku around Raleigh, NC.

Stratosfire @stratosfire
commented on
Looking for Otaku around Raleigh, NC.
Stratosfire @stratosfire
I'm in Charlotte - Ichibancon is in January!