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Last online over 7 years ago
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Aug 23, 15 at 11:42am
I was kinda trying to do the masuda method when I was raising my perfect IV Vulpix. It took me weeks, but I finally got a perfect IV vulpix. I could one shot most of the elite 4 pokemon with it. I must have had at least 400 eggs too, but no shiny either :( Oh wow, all your figures are in an organized list. I didn't know you were into vocaloids. Miku is one of my favorites, but I think I like Gumi the best. Do you like vocaloid music? I also see you have a Vaporeon plush. I actually have an espeon plush by the same manufacturer :D Did you buy it at one of the conventions here? That's where I got mine. For me in college I was lucky because I only had to stay one extra semester to wrap things up. I have a friend in LA that I help screenwrite for. He's a film graduate. I might be working with him editing a screenplay for a feature length film which is exciting. As far as my game, I'm trying to do something unique. You know in pokemon black/white where you can feed your pokemon poffins? I am going to take that and mix it with dialogue choices that you would get in Mass Effect. In my game you have this android girl that you are working with and you have to interact with her and you fight battles. It will be such a pain to program for but I can play it in my head and it is so amazing and unique. Can't wait to get some more work on it done. I'd show you a picture of the android girl now, but I have to draw her in pieces so it wouldn't look right until I assemble them in the program :P
You're watching Maison Ikkoku?? http://www.quickmeme.com/img/80/801cb73befef531a9a8cd0dd754913cf0ff06ab3acdec97731a94259ad1d980e.jpg The first handful of episodes is just laying down the foundation between Godai and one of the very few anime characters I'd refer to in the otaku affection "waifu," Kyouko. Around episode 10 when things start to get interesting, because Godai's competition, Mitaka is introduced. Of course, as expected from a 96 episode series that's as succinctly crafted as Maison Ikkoku, there are numerous other factors that complicate the romance between Godai and my waifu, but the infancy of the beauty of Maison Ikkoku is planted in episode 9. Obviously, Godai's admiration is identified the moment Kyouko walks through the door of the rundown confines of the Maison Ikkoku building, but leading up to the introduction of Mikata, you start to see that Kyouko has an affection towards Godai, even if it's only the "motherly instinct" at that point. However, the "I may have feelings for you but I won't show them" begins turning, and it's a perpetual motion contraption throughout the series, hindered AND progressed from time to time by the complications of life. I thought Nakai was handled realistically. His love towards Aoki was out of his reach. He was a desperate artist who had a desperate love interest, so falling short of your two passions in life would have a detrimental affect on how you carry yourself in life. If I recall correctly, he kind of went on a journey of soul searching by the end of the series. I'd say kudos and I hope you find what you're looking for to anyone that made that decision.
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Aug 20, 15 at 11:50pm
I used Sukamon in combat once, and he sucked. His stats sucked. He was a useless pile of poo, lol. He actually digivolves into some powerful monkey thing but I just couldn't stand having a piece of crap follow me around all day. Oh man, that sucks that you don't have a shiny yet. Ugh, garbador is probably one of the worst shinys... My cousin was a big pokemon fan and to this day he has never caught a shiny. He told me that he only ever saw one, and it was a shiny bellsprout he encountered at the very start of the game! He only had a starter pokeball and a squirtle. It was intense, he whittled it down and his squirtle was barely living after getting hit multiple times with his weakness. He had two pokeballs left, and as long as he didn't get crit the next turn he could use em both. The pokeball failed, and he was crit, and he died in that first patch of grass! He was so pissed XD Ironically enough, I caught my first shiny in literally the first patch of grass I walked in pokemon black/white. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Msw79Y1-4tg/hqdefault.jpg It was a shiny fletchling, and I only caught it because I remembered the horror that happened to my cousin and loaded up on pokeballs :P As far as college goes, I majored in game design and minored in creative writing. I'd love to write for games or an animated series someday. I'm actually working on my own game right now. It's going to be so awesome~ Since I am taking a break from kendo I go to the gym when I don't game. I just got another part time job so I can finally get around and do stuff again soon. I see that collecting is a big hobby of yours :) What figures have you collected so far?
You know a person is confidant when they're willing to puke on themselves. I made the proposition simply because I don't figure I'd end up on the losing end of the bargain. There's also a couple other totally sensible possibilities: 1. This is the internet, so you could like it, but lie and say you hated it just to make me puke on and around myself. 2. This is the internet, so I could lie about the departure of my former sustenance, when the truth is I probably just took a nap instead. I peeked at the last issue of Bakuman after I finished the anime because I wanted to see if the ending was true to the source material. And... it was. And... I was actually a little disappointed, but only because I was hoping the story kept going. I liked Hiramaru's laziness. It just seemed to be the most... realistic? Like, he was essentially a prodigy in something that he had no true desire in, so it was more of an obligation. Without joy, it's just a chore. And daily chores are just a drag. Thus, laziness.
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Aug 19, 15 at 1:38pm
Digievolution was always so confusing to me as a kid. It's a lot more complex than pokemon. Doesn't gatomon have something like a spynx evolution too? When I played digimon world 2 I never knew what I was going to get. Sometimes my digimon digi-volved into a piece of crap. Literally, a piece of crap! Take a look at this image and imagine the soul-crushing disappointment as you watch your digimon evolve into...this http://wikimon.net/images/thumb/a/af/Scumon_dw.png/128px-Scumon_dw.png I love how Shin Megami Tensei games make so many historical religious references. It helped me a lot during college XD Yeah, those figures are cute. Do you like collecting figures?
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Aug 16, 15 at 1:41pm
Wow, the digievolution for angewomon is so unexpected and dissapointing XD I totally forgot to mention Espion. One of my faves. I guess you love dragon types, huh? Why do I like beedrill? It evolves from one of the weakest Pokemon, weedle. Plus the mega-evolution of beedrill is pretty badass. http://i.imgur.com/nkYVV74.png
First, let me just say that I hate liquor. So when I stumbled upon a description of a particualar type of bourbon that claims "gentle spiciness and sweet oak aromas. Mid-palate is smooth, with tones of maple, oak, and nutmeg. Finish is long, dry and satiny with a light toffee flavor," I acted against my better judgement and purchased a bottle. I mean, it sounds so tasty and appealing. Well, it's a damn lie. All it did was remind me of why I hate liquor. It smells like crap, tastes like crap, and burns my throat. So anyways, I'll likely give Rumiko's 7th title a shot at some point. Isn't there 200+ episodes? It's not easy wedging in 200+ episodes. Especially when I need to catch up on One Piece and approximately an infinite amount of other series. I find myself strangely eager with the notion of you watching Maison Ikkoku. I'm so certain that you'll love it that if by some peculiar and unfathomable reason you just think it's mehh, I'll slam an entire bottle of liquor and puke all over myself. That artwork is certainly detailed. It's not often that backgrounds are given that much attention. Since you're a manga enthusiast, have you read/watched Bakuman? It's a manga and anime about two highschoolers trying to create the #1 manga in Japan. The Bakuman manga also happens to be by the same duo, surprisingly, that made Death Note. Have we gone full circle? (´⊙ω⊙`)!
displaynamehere @purefault left a comment for Sonic
Aug 16, 15 at 1:26am
Well, I can speak it "enough" I guess... haha. Enough to get around, talk to my friends, etc. Haha... yeah, I'll have to come up with some ridiculous names for when I forge better weapons later on in the game, or whenever I get around to forging specific ones in Awakening. I really, really liked Awakening. I though the story was a bit mediocre at first, but really picked up. The characters made it great, though, especially with such a wide range, and with all the interaction. I like pairing up units during battle too. How about you?
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Aug 14, 15 at 11:46pm
Haha, I was about to say, were my child eyes so innocent that I didn't notice she had huge boobs? XD She is leaning over because her boobs are simply too heavy for her. Or maybe she is in her...uh...mega-evolution form? :P When I started off in Pokemon my favorite was vulpix. It was so cute! Right now, it's so hard to say who is my favorite. I have an all-star team of favorites I always want on my game. I love beedrill, Espurr(you may have guessed this if you seen the pics on my profile), absol, Mawile, Goodra, and Vulpix. I'd want to cuddle them all except for beedrill...I might try to cuddle beedrill...
displaynamehere @purefault left a comment for Sonic
Aug 10, 15 at 10:37pm
That's the problem... main series Amiibo aren't suppose to be "limited edition" =/ I was living in Japan for awhile. This past time, I was at a language school, but I still traveled again a bit. I actually ended up traveling in a similar pattern to the first time I was in Japan. Nice. That's cool. I feel so behind on FE. haha. Hmm... I'm still not too far into it, but Mia is cool. I actually like Ike. I never knew much about him outside of Smash until now. I gotta give the other characters more time. Oh really? That sucks.... are you thinking about moving anything to an external HD? I'll add you =]