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Last online over 7 years ago
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Jul 29, 15 at 6:44pm
This must be an interesting time for you then, haha. I was actually planning to eat in chaste in park this weekend but apparently they found out that is the epicenter. At least it's not life-threatening. On another note, I notice you like shin migami tensei games. Which one is your favorite?
Unless you absolutely despise mecha, Code Geass is what you NEED... especially since you liked Death Note so much. I'm sure there are numerous reasons you liked Death Note, but inevitably we all loved the intellectual battles centered around Light. This is the very reason Code Geass is amazing. It's not the mecha battles; it's the game of wits. The lone point that puts Lelouch's series on top of Light's series is the ending to Code Geass. Hopefully the internet hasn't already spoiled it for you. It's the best ending I've ever seen, and I wouldn't need even the tiniest modicum of time to make the judgement. The pending changes in GTO is why I mentioned it's only an 8 for me after 24 episodes. I fully expect my views to change by the time it's done. An 8 could easily turn into a 9 or 10 when there's still 20 episodes left. After all, an 8 turned into a 9 after 25 episodes of Code Geass... and then the 9 turned into a 10 within the final 5 mintues of the last episode. I listened to the final music track in my car for a week strait like some kind of weak-willed pansy that couldn't let go of the past.
displaynamehere @purefault left a comment for Sonic
Jul 29, 15 at 8:04am
Oh really? Which ones do you like? I mostly like all the ones that came out over a decade ago...
Hi there. How's it goin'?
Sooo... you're saying I wasn't being hip and original? I gazed upon your anime list (well, half of it) and I somehow feel gratification knowing you gave Death Note a 10 and GTO a 9. I haven't watched Death Note since back when it was cool to debate Light vs lelouch, but it's one of my favorites, along with, incidentally, Code Geass. And I'm currently on episode 24 of GTO. It's only an 8 at this point...
That's such a genuine reply... I was making a reference to the movie American Pie ( ̄ー ̄) When I'm not so tired, I'll have to creep through your anime list.
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Jul 27, 15 at 10:49pm
I'm living in the metro Atlanta area too. The whole parasite scare is pretty crazy, huh? I was at the gym today they had the water fountains all taped up, and they would only serve bottled water at restaurants.
darkhorse @darkhorse left a comment for Sonic
Jul 27, 15 at 5:54pm
how are you?
darkhorse @darkhorse left a comment for Sonic
Jul 27, 15 at 5:42pm
Red @redhawk left a comment for Sonic
Jul 27, 15 at 5:25pm
so whats up?