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koichiroiketani @koichiroiketani
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koichiroiketani @koichiroiketani

genma314 @genma314
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genma314 @genma314
This account has been suspended.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 Is this aimed at me?

renster @renster
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renster @renster
Hi how's it going? A fellow AOT fan I see, have you been watching the new season?
UK ?

Kazumi @silentkazumi
commented on
UK ?
Kazumi @silentkazumi
Ohh thank God haha, thought I was here all alone ^~^
UK ?

Kazumi @silentkazumi
commented on
UK ?
Kazumi @silentkazumi
From down south originally but live up in County Durham now for last 7 years, apparently I'm the only girl on here from the UK hahaha ^~^