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Last online over 2 years ago
United Kingdom
Key @key17 left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 6:33pm
Yeah you're right. I wish I'd started earlier but I've grabbed my future by the horns and I'm not ready to let go lol!
Key @key17 left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 5:18pm
Game dev. Curently working on it. University is getting in my way though, and that's why I want to quit sometimes. Yet I keep thnking that there are only 6 months left until I'm done. Give me hope. What do you mean writing. As in script writer? If your good have, you can easily pan out your work over multiple areas like a book made into a film or a game into a comic book. Really depends on what you write. Got anything done yet?
Key @key17 left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 4:33pm
What's your dream job?
Key @key17 left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 3:58pm
Hey , I get to do what I love. What's a few deadlines compared to that? :P Plus I get moneys. Win-Win.
Key @key17 left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 3:47pm
Who does? Though if I do succeed and get the job I want, my life will be plagued by those. Not looking forward to that.
Key @key17 left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 2:52pm
Actually I've been so busy with schoolwork I haven't even had chance to rage about it. Still, can't find the weather I guess.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 11:50am
oooooh yeah lol!
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 11:15am
Hahaha! Had to post this one! Love the top. http://files.rubenerd.com/uploads/anime.kaeru314.jpg
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 10, 15 at 8:40am
Wake up! It's the middle of the day! http://i.imgur.com/SQRl0ZX.gif
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Jan 06, 15 at 6:05pm
Awwwaahhhhh! I missed you! http://www.mosta2bal.com/vb/imgcache/3/21277wall.gif