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Last online over 2 years ago
United Kingdom
Dec 24, 14 at 2:57pm
I got a thousand hearts and now I feel special.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 1:43pm
We did if we went ensuite, which I did in my final year. I am just about to leave to watch Ghost in the Shell, I had my bath earlier lol Have a lovely Christmas my dear; try to enjoy your party and stuff. I'll be around tomorrow, but if you don't have internet I'll speak to you sometime after? Merry Christmas!! ^ ^
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 12:55pm
But you're totally going to make up for that when you go back, riiiight? At least go to the big/themed nights, they are always hilarious. People are jerks! Especially when you have to share a kitchen/bathroom -.- Up to much tonight?
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 12:10pm
Oh my God! I ate out most of the time in first year. Our kitchen was disgusting! The others never cleared up, they'd use my plates and stuff, there was ash all over the floor and counters, food left out to rot for the whole week. Everything just piled up until the cleaner came, and then she'd wake up one of the girls and tell them to clean their stuff up so she could clean the kitchen. Are you on the up now though? I hope so. We had a few days, Mondays were more quiet, but it could be Wednesday, Friday or Saturday...I think sometimes there were things on Tuesdays and Thursdays too...Did you go to any of the big nights? Halloween and Fetish nights were the best for us I think. Christmas wasn't bad, but not as good as the others.
Xylvr @sneaky_rai left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 12:09pm
This account has been suspended.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 11:18am
Of course! It's a singing Michael Caine! And Muppets! I do love this film, undoubtedly one of the best...maybe even the best. One thing I miss about uni and living alone is the freedom of just thinking 'I'm not tired, I'm going for a walk with my music' without having to worry about the time. My parents would kill me if I randomly went for walks after midnight here ^ ^; Of course, but anxiety of your own making is frustrating, because you know it's just you being silly, but it still keeps you up at night -.- The first year accommodation was behind our union too, but you couldn't hear it from the hall. Unfortunately I was living in 'the corridor' in first year. People came to hang in the kitchen at all hours, which meant they rebounded off my door because I was right in front of the kitchen, and they were generally wasted. I wasn't the sociable type in first year either, I don't think I really started talking to people for the first two or three months; my mum was worried I wasn't enjoying it because I was always in my room doing nothing when she called. Got out eventually.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 10:54am
Oh, Muppet's Christmas Carol on Channel 4 right now if you're interested.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 10:53am
I'm sure you will, just a little ^ ^ I had that at uni, though I admit it was usually due to boys ^ ^; Self inflicted anxiety is terrible. Tried going for a walk? Though...that's probably not the safest idea... Ahhh, we were all in the same bit, halls and everything, but I'm guessing yours is a bigger place.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 24, 14 at 10:02am
Lucky lucky! A party sounds like fun; enjoy yourself ^ ^ That's a shame! What was stopping you? Feeling alright? Haha, I think Aberystwyth has a similar problem with hills; I remember walking up to the national library a couple of times. Are the halls not on the campus? How big is Bangor?