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eclipsekiller115 @eclipseyt115
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eclipsekiller115 @eclipseyt115
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zethus @zethus
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zethus @zethus
Hello there!

shadowkat122 @shadowkat122
shadowkat122 @shadowkat122
I might change my preference over to females, idk, been getting more into them lately though it seems silly to me since I do still like both.
Do you believe in reencarnation?

shadowkat122 @shadowkat122
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Do you believe in reencarnation?
shadowkat122 @shadowkat122
I have a mix view on it. On one had there have been paintings of people who look like some modern day peeps so that as me thinking hmm interesting but at the same time who's to say that it's just not gentics pushing up these looks
But I did some digging and if some people are to be believed there have been some strange cases of kids knowing shit they shouldn't and that's just weird.
And when you think about it genes get pasted on so what if our memories get pushed into our future kidz and shitz, and that's why some people looks like someone else and even as their memories or fragments of them.
Because of that?
JoJo Thread, post anything JoJo

shadowkat122 @shadowkat122
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JoJo Thread, post anything JoJo
shadowkat122 @shadowkat122

Best boi