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serah2012 @serah2012
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serah2012 @serah2012
Saw you today. Was gonna say hi but you kept walking around lol.
Hope you had fun!! ^_^

gundamzero @gundamzero
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gundamzero @gundamzero
Ha there

greenwolf94 @greenwolf94
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greenwolf94 @greenwolf94
I came on here to find someone

sebastianmichaelis @sebastianmichaelis
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I came on here to find someone
sebastianmichaelis @sebastianmichaelis
even though ldr are most likly if you both like conventions and can meet there it makes ever meeting more speacial than the last. even talking and skyping can make a difference because when you find the one you love the long-distance will just make your love stronger for the day you can finally hold that person in your arms. (but that's just how i see it.)
Anime Odyssey

sebastianmichaelis @sebastianmichaelis
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Anime Odyssey
sebastianmichaelis @sebastianmichaelis
i'm going