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tsuzukis_hisoka @tsuzukis_hisoka
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tsuzukis_hisoka @tsuzukis_hisoka
I feel the same way about cosplay and cons!! Glad someone else likes Merlin. I don't know very many people that do. I might do some cosplays from it once it gets cooler ..and can't wait for Doctor Who to start up again so I can get more ideas for Clara. I'm looking to do more cons too ..maybe from St. Louis to Chicago. If there are any you'd recommend, even if they're smaller cons, let me know thanks!

azureflame @azureflame
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azureflame @azureflame
Hello ^_^

Cid @tylor
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Cid @tylor
Welcome to the site hope you like it here
Apr 12-14
Feb 7-9
Apr 11-13
Jun 11-13